Dilyara Kamenova

Manages contemporary artists and promotes their works worldwide.

CEO and founder of Alpha Soul.

Dilyara Kamenova, born in 1988 in Kazakhstan. Has studied and worked in Oil & Gas field as an operation and development engineer. After sometime working in oil business she decided to completely change life and engage her life with art. In 2014 she has founded Alpha Soul - art & culture development company in Dubai, UAE  and produced and curated her first ever Picasso & Miro Exhibition in Burj Khalifa, Dubai and after Salvador Dali Exhibition with 150 original art works in DIFC.


Where does your interest in art originate, and how did you first become involved in the art world?

It's a long story. All started when my mother has given me a book called "Art of Western Europe" when I was 13 y.o, it was about La Renaissance period. I was fascinated by the angel of Leonardo da Vinci on the Baptism of Jesus by his teacher Verrocchio, and when i got to know that this angel opened the gate to Renaissance Period, first of all Renaissance of Humanity and Spirit then I felt the power of the ART. But when I grew up I went to study oil & gas engineering :) I worked a bit in this field, everything seemed fantastic: bright future in career, good salary, happy parents... but at one point I felt that it wasn't my life, i started to have an anxiety attack that life is passing by and I'm in the wrong place doing things that I don't want to do. It took me time to understand myself and find what job I wanted to do that would benefit me and society, something that would make the World a better place. It was Art & Culture. Since then my life is tied up with art. My first project was Picasso & Miro. Passion and Poetry Exhibition that I've produced and organized in Burj Khalifa, Dubai, UAE.

Based on your experience, can you give an explanation as to why people begin to collect art?

I have seen different types of collectors one of them start collecting because it's a good investment and usually they hire art advisors to acquire art for them. Another ones collect art to express their own personality, they love showing their art and telling stories when, where and why they have acquired it. And recently I've met people who collects art to support it, because they believe in the importance of art. For them to support art is like a contribution to the better future of society. 

Emerging art is a tricky thing. How are you able to identify potential? 

Yeah, it's very tricky. Many artists think if they know how to hold a brush - they can define themselves as "artist" :) I think when you see hundreds of artworks weekly you become a bit numb to art, until you see the art that stops you and paralyzes you, you stay in front of it and many questions/thoughts arises in your mind, then i can feel this artist has something to say.  

What role does the collector play in the world of today ́s contemporary art? 

I would say collector plays a HUGE role in the world of contemporary art. First of all the contemporary artists won't survive if no one will collect their art. Secondly, if we are talking about zeitgeist contemporary art which reflects the social change or issues of humanity of today - we need collectors to raise the awareness and support the movement of contemporary art.

Does PR play an essential role in an artist’s career? 

Yes, PR plays an important role in the career of the artist. Artist should constantly try to be visible, talk about his art, show the process of his art making, so people can follow him. They should see that his career is steady and he keeps on moving. 

Is there any advice that you can give to emerging artists who want to showcase their work?

Keep moving and improving, don't copy, make a change. Give the best you can to the world. And be humble, most artists stop in growing because of unhealthy ego. 

What tips might you have for young collectors just starting out to form their own collection?

Don't rush to start collecting, develop your taste first. Start visiting galleries, new exhibitions, art fairs till the moment you can say "hmm, there is something in it" when you see the work. And also keep in mind saying by Karl Marx: "Works of art, which represent the highest level of spiritual production, will find favor in the eyes of the bourgeois only if they are presented as being liable to directly generate material wealth".

Could you name some new and emerging artists whose careers you believe are worth following?

Manu Alguero with his explosion art, Hassan Jalal with his biophotonic art and Nathaniel Mary Quinn.

Website: www.alpha-soul.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/alphasoulart/


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