Born in: Germany

Lives in Bad Füssing, Germany

Media: Oil painting and digital art

Describe your art in three words: Wonder World Nature

The motto for your paintings: "Save the earth

See more work:


Presenter: for the TV stations: ZDF - ARD - RTL - SAT 1

Fashion and jewelry design: Katja Lührs Design

Author of the books: Viva Veggie and Smoothie Fit

Exhibitions Art:

ARTHOUSE Munich - ARTBOX World 1.0 - The Hub Munich - ARTBOX Barcelona - Galerie Azur Brussel - ART MUC Munich - Discovery Artfair Frankfurt - ARTe Wiesbaden - ARTBOX Zurich - Miami Artweeks U.S.A. - Lelie Galerij Amsterdam Netherlands - Casa Del Arte Palma Spain - Thomson Gallery Zug Switzerland - Los Angeles ART LAB U.S.A. - Johnathan Schultz Gallery Miami U.S.A.-. PAVOT Gallery Bucharest - Biennale Venezia Italy - NewYork Artweeks U.S.A. - Tokyo Tower Art Fair


ARTBOX World Winner 2020 - 2021 - 2022 with the painting "Color Sound - Summerdreams - Save the Earth - Blue Night Fog - Rainbow and Winner Collectors Art Prize Planet Future 2023 and Harmony for Humanity the Global Consciousness Art Prize 2023 and ITSLIQUID Group (ITS) Artist oft he Year 2022/23 and Winner Circle Arts 2023 - Cover in the art magazine "ARTPROFIL" November 2020 and August 2023.


The variety of colors and shapes of flowers, trees and leaves has fascinated me since I was a child. The power of the sun and its play with light and shadow in nature are characterized by: "grace - joy of life - confidence - peace and serenity". With pictures you can capture the beauties of nature. Because what you love, you also protect. That's why my motto for my pictures is: "Save the earth".

Can you tell us something about yourself and your background?

At a young age I was discovered by the Talents agency as a model for fashion. Through many publications worldwide, the TV show and film director Dr. Dieter Pröttel became aware of me and my second and third career as an actress and TV presenter began. For many years I was allowed to present popular shows like the "Samstagsclub" and the "Schöne Wochenende" as well as the "Abendschau" on the Bavarian TV of the ARD. As well as on ZDF the popular show "Ehen vor Gericht" and "Musikwerkstatt". On SAT 1, the game show "Spass im Schnee," which was also broadcast in Italy, Spain and Austria.

When did you decide to pursue a career as an artist?

Even as a child, I dreamed of becoming an artist because I come from an artistic family. At that time, I had not yet decided because I was and am very versatile. I liked to sing, like almost all children, to dance, to paint, to do gymnastics, to dream and I often forgot the time. Although my teachers at that time drew my parents' attention to my talents, especially my painting talent, I was first sent to an apprenticeship with a lawyer and tax consultant. I learned a lot there that I could always use later, but happiness looked different to me.

 What do you want to express with your art?

Parallel to my career as a model, actress and TV presenter, I have designed fashion and jewelry. Especially as a jewelry designer, I have created many pieces of jewelry that have to do with animals. As a 25-year-old young woman, my own experiences made me realize how important it is to work for something positive in life. So I have chosen the protection of children, animals and the environment as my life motto. Also as a presenter I was able to present many programs on the subject of animal and environmental protection and so the circle closes, because I can implement this again in my painted pictures. Also, I am always asked in interviews what my drive is in art and so my motto is "Save the Earth!"

How do you stay motivated and productive in your artistic practice?

Since I was allowed to earn very well in my life in my various professions, I donate the money I earn with my painting. My motto in life, besides "Save the Earth," is "Live and Let Live!" As a model, I flew around the world a lot for my job. Not exactly environmentally friendly. But when I was young, that was not the pressing issue. In Germany there was and still is factory farming, so my goal to myself was to quickly become a vegetarian. Since I always do everything thoroughly, since I got bogged down a lot as a child and young woman, I wrote two books with nutritionists about vegetarian and vegan nutrition, respectively: "Vita Veggie and Smoothie Fit!"

How has your artistic career developed and changed over time?

Really large paintings with oil paints from nature I paint only for about 3 years. Before that, as a designer, I mostly just painted and drew small pictures and that on paper. So I can not yet foresee my development in painting, because I live as I said in the "here and now". But I could imagine to include animals figuratively in my paintings.

Who are your biggest influences?

My biggest influences are nature and its diversity. The play between light and shadow and the incredible colors that emerge from it. And again and again the thoughts of how we can protect this precious treasure Mother Earth. We have only this one world with its many natural wonders and no other planet that we can visit freely according to the motto: "After me the flood of meaning". I would like to express my admiration for nature with my pictures and hope that I succeed in making many people aware of it and to look at this beautiful blue planet with love. Because what you love, you also protect and preserve it.

How do you stay motivated and productive in your artistic practice?

With a lot of joy and love for art and all the many possibilities that arise from it.

Which elements are essential to an artist’s work?

A key feature is nature with all its different colors,shapes and creatures. Each artist is inspired by the incredibly beautiful world Earth and the infinite universe.

Which function does the artist fulfill in society?

Whether artist or not, every human being has the duty in the society to move here on the earth like a guest. Because we are only guests on earth! For me the question always arises about the meaning of the life and I come back again and again to the core point: "To become every day a better person in love!" Then there would be no wars and with it the suffering of many people and animals and nature. We would have no problems with man-made global warming! No famines and many other problems. If we would all try to live more love and do it every day, "Wow!"

What do you want your artwork to stand for?

For health - love - joy - happiness - confidence - peace and contentment.

What are your long-term goals for your career?

I would like to exhibit one or the other painting in an art museum for a good cause during my lifetime.



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