Contemporary Art, Painting, Interview Contemporary Art Collectors Contemporary Art, Painting, Interview Contemporary Art Collectors

Aurelio Gaiga

What mediums and techniques do you prefer to work with, and how do they contribute to your artistic expression?

Although today is a vast variety of means and expressive techniques, even very different from each other, I remain anchored to the good old painting on canvas and on drawing. 

I believe that drawing and painting are practices that are extremely inherent to our human nature, that they are essential activities like drinking, eating, and sleeping… …or at least that’s how it is for me. 

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Art Collector, Contemporary Art, Interview Contemporary Art Collectors Art Collector, Contemporary Art, Interview Contemporary Art Collectors

Aurelio Gaiga

Please tell us more about your background and how you began creating art?

After high school, I began to read art magazines and visit exhibitions, mainly in Verona galleries.
At the time of school, I loved comics and drew a lot. However, despite being fascinated by painting and the profession of painting, I was almost in awe of it. After seeing an exhibition on Paul Klee at Palazzo Forti in Verona in 1995, I began my first timid experiments in painting.

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